Proksis Otomasyon ve İletişim Sistemleri

Moisture Measurement&Proasfalt

Moisture Measurement

   The amount of water contained in the aggregate affects the water / cement ratio in the concrete. Thus, to provide the desired strength, increasing the amount of cement in the concrete increase the cost.

When the amount of water contained in the aggregate can be measured, the use of excess cement is prevented as the amount of water to be used will be reduced by the same rate.

Importance of continuous moisture measurement

If a moisture measurement is carried out in the laboratory, a constant humidity value is taken into account until a second measurement (mostly during the day). However, the humidity value varies during the day. For this reason, sending the information to the automation system by continuously measuring with the humidity probe to be used in the bunker, under the bunker or on the conveyor will increase the production quality since the humidity changes will be taken into account.

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   Bunker Type Moisture Measurement System Brochure (Turkish)

      Video (Turkish)

   Mixer Type Moisture Measurement System Brochure (Turkish)

  Video (Turkish)


Proasfalt - Asphalt Plant Automation System

   Proasfalt Brochure (Turkish)

     Video (Turkish)