Proksis Otomasyon ve İletişim Sistemleri


Proksis is an industrial automation company. As of 1990s, when the development of industrial automation projects began in Turkiye, it has prepared and installed many projects, as a company established by a team of experienced and expert engineers.


    In 1990s, the areas of activity were automation of concrete plant, asphalt and crushing-screening plant, before they were gradually extended so as to include industrial automation solutions that enhance quality, productivity and profitability for customers, and that are integrated with all in-factory information systems such as statistical process control, production planning, and production management system.

  Expert technical crew of Proksis collaborates with customer at every stage of project, obtains first hand information and aims at establishing the actual requirements of users. As we prefer the hardware which are recognised and commonly used all over the world, develop user friendly interface software, and offer fast, quality service, as well as an expert and convenient approach, Proksis remains as the first choice for professional companies. Our registered office is located in Izmir, and we have branches in Türkiye and abroad.